LME Morning Thoughts 24 May 2024

Ali and nickel outperforming this morning. The former for all the producer activity having also seen signs of a consumer bid here this week. But its underperformance the real driver. In truth a quiet morning ahead of Monday’s bank holidays

Published 24 May 2024 pmt 06:34 in Global Marex Metals by Marex Global Metals Desk

Good morning,


Earlier this week we commented on the widening bid offer spread quoted on 3s copper. This a sign of a nervous market where HFT involvement can contribute to sharp moves. That especially a case where the markets are essentially synthetically short vol. Think of the previous long term mean reversion low rates environment. Moreover, now you have all living hand to mouth.


As we have a UK bank holiday on Monday and US memorial day with a China bank holiday on Monday 10th June this choppy price action is likely to persist as we jostle and consolidate after this week’s macro inspired correction.


Our markets maintain some substantial spec length and noticeably our desk would suggest that heavy CTA long liquidation has been absent thus far. So that raises the importance of tonight’s closes although in holding the $2600 and $10,200 yesterday the complex’s two major metals held first key support.


US reserve officials and other bankers raising growth doubts around the state of the US economy although this week’s data has seen the dollar strengthen. Rate hikes even having been mooted but the key no interest rates this year. Although we remain of the opinion owning hard assets amid sticky inflation is a play as seen from the outside commodity inflows these past few months. As we approach the US election the more prickly subject of US debt likely to come to the fore.


As for China, ahead of July’s plenum, Xinhua notes President Xi highlighting property, employment and childcare as areas that require reform. These 3rd plenums focus historically on broad economic and political goals. Further moves from the admin there to shore up investor confidence.


London sees mixed price action. Nickel outperforming initially thanks to strong feedstock prices. Ali picking up the reins since with a CTA and spec bid evident. That metal having benefitted on a RV basis this week.


Price performance at cob 23rd May 2024:


























































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